
Toenail Fungus

Podiatrist located in White Plains and Nyack, NY

Toenail Fungus

Toenail fungus affects up to 14% of people, and while it usually isn’t serious, it’s more likely to cause complications if you have diabetes or poor circulation. At Tri-State Top Foot Specialist in White Plains and Nyack, New York, experienced podiatrist and foot and ankle surgeon Hasan Masood, DPM, offers various treatments for toenail fungus, including prescription anti-fungal medications and laser toenail therapy. Call Tri-State Top Foot Specialist today to receive treatment for toenail fungus, or book your appointment online. 

My toenail is thick and crumbly. Is toenail fungus to blame?

Toenails change color and consistency for various reasons, but the most common cause is a fungus. Nail fungus, or onychomycosis, is a fungal infection that infiltrates your nail tissue, eventually spreading to other toes unless treated. 

Anyone can experience toenail fungus, but it’s most common in older adults and those with underlying medical conditions like diabetes and poor circulation.

Does toenail fungus present symptoms?

Toenail fungus symptoms include:

  • Cracked or broken nails
  • Thick, brittle, or crumbly nails
  • Yellow or brown discoloration
  • Nails separating from the nail bed

As the infection spreads, you might notice your toenails changing shape or appearing distorted. 

When should I see a podiatrist about toenail fungus?

Visit Tri-State Top Foot Specialist if you notice changes to your toenails, like discoloration, cracks, or nails pulling away from the bed. Toenail fungus usually isn’t painful, but it spreads quickly. Intervention reduces your risk of complications and can preserve your nails. 

How does a podiatrist diagnose toenail fungus?

Dr. Masood reviews your medical records, asks about your symptoms, and examines your toenails, looking for discoloration, excessive nail thickness, and nail damage. 

Fungal toenail infections are easy to spot, but Dr. Masood also analyzes a series of clippings to determine the best treatment approach.

How does a podiatrist treat toenail fungus?

At Tri-State Top Foot Specialist, Dr. Masood treats toenail fungus using a conservative and minimally invasive approach. Depending on the severity of the infection, he might suggest:

  • Oral antifungal medication
  • Topical medication
  • Medicated nail polish
  • Prescription lotion with urea, which breaks down fungus

If your infection continues or worsens even after treatment, Dr. Masood might suggest laser toenail treatment. Laser toenail treatment uses targeted light energy and heat to kill nail fungus and prevent it from returning. 

For lasting results, you might need a series of laser treatments spaced several weeks apart.

How can I prevent toenail fungus?

The easiest way to reduce your risk of toenail fungus is to practice good foot and nail hygiene. Dr. Masood recommends keeping your feet clean and dry, wearing shoes in public areas (like swimming pools and saunas), and maintaining your blood sugar (if you have diabetes). 

Call Tri-State Top Foot Specialist today to request a toenail fungus consultation, or book your appointment online.