
Ankle Sprain

Podiatrist located in White Plains and Nyack, NY

Ankle Sprain

More than 25,000 Americans suffer ankle sprains each day. Though common, this injury may worsen without treatment, affecting mobility and quality of life. At Tri-State Top Foot Specialist in White Plains and Nyack, New York, experienced podiatrist and foot and ankle surgeon Hasan Masood, DPM, offers high-quality care for sprained ankles. No matter the severity of your ankle sprain, he can recommend treatments to limit the pain and help you return to your routine. Call Tri-State Top Foot Specialist today to receive treatment for an ankle sprain, or book your appointment online. 

My ankle is swollen and stiff. Is it an ankle sprain?

It’s possible. An ankle sprain occurs when you overextend the tough tissue bands (ligaments) surrounding and supporting your ankle joint. Most sprains result from running or playing sports but can also occur if you twist your ankle or step awkwardly.

There are three grades of ankle sprain –– mild, moderate, and severe. No matter your symptoms, if you think you have a sprained ankle, seek treatment.

Does an ankle sprain present symptoms?

Ankle sprain symptoms include:

  • Difficulty walking
  • Bruising
  • Swelling
  • Tenderness to the touch

Depending on the sprain’s severity, you might experience pain, especially when standing or putting weight on your affected joint.

Should I see a podiatrist about an ankle sprain?

Yes. If you think you’ve sprained an ankle, make an appointment with Dr. Masood at Tri-State Top Foot Specialist. Without treatment, the injury might worsen or lead to serious complications, like recurrent sprains or post-traumatic arthritis. 

How does a podiatrist diagnose an ankle sprain?

Dr. Masood reviews your medical records and asks about your injury, including when it occurred, what you were doing, and what symptoms you’re experiencing.

He looks at your ankle, checking for bruising, redness, and swelling, and tests your joint’s range of motion to determine which ligaments are affected. 

Dr. Masood orders diagnostic imaging, like X-rays, a CT scan, or an MRI, to closely examine your ankle joint and surrounding tissues. Testing can help determine the sprain’s severity and identify other problems, like bone spurs or fractures. 

How does a podiatrist treat a sprained ankle?

Most ankle sprains improve with the PRICE method. PRICE is an acronym for protection, rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Following this protocol for the first 24-48 hours after your injury is often enough to reduce inflammation, relieve pain, and improve mobility.

You might need more intensive care if you can’t walk or put weight on your ankle. Depending on your age and symptoms, Dr. Masood may recommend physical therapy or an assistive device, like a walking boot or crutches.

If you experience more serious side effects, like ankle instability, Dr. Masood might prescribe surgery using a minimally invasive orthopedic approach.

Call Tri-State Top Foot Specialist today to explore the treatment options for an ankle sprain, or book your appointment online.