

Podiatrist located in White Plains and Nyack, NY


Bunions are a common foot problem, affecting up to 1 in 3 adults. Small bunions usually improve with at-home treatments, but larger ones might benefit from surgery. At Tri-State Top Foot Specialist in White Plains and Nyack, New York, experienced podiatrist and foot and ankle surgeon Hasan Masood, DPM, specializes in diagnosing and treating bunions. He emphasizes conservative treatment whenever possible but offers minimally invasive bunion repair for more complex cases. Call Tri-State Top Foot Specialist today to schedule bunion treatment, or book your appointment online. 

My big toe is swollen. Is a bunion to blame?

It’s likely. Bunions form when the bones at the front of your foot change position, causing your big toe (metatarsophalangeal) joint to bulge outward. Wearing tight shoes or having an abnormal gait can exacerbate the problem, resulting in pain and mobility issues. 

Bunions affect people of all ages, but several things increase your risk, including a family history of bunions, foot injuries, and inflammatory diseases like rheumatoid arthritis.

Do bunions present symptoms?

Bunion symptoms include:

  • Corns or calluses on the top of the big toe
  • Painful, tight tendons (hammertoes)
  • Difficulty bending or moving the big toe joint
  • Big toe numbness

As the bunion grows, you might have trouble standing, putting weight on your affected foot, or exercising. 

Should I see a podiatrist about my bunion?

Yes. Even though most bunions are small and don’t cause problems, meeting with a qualified podiatrist like Dr. Masood is important. 

After an exam and diagnostic imaging, he can assess the alignment of the bones at the front of your foot. Treatment prevents the alignment problems from worsening, reducing your risk of lasting complications.

How does a podiatrist diagnose bunions?

Dr. Masood reviews your medical records, asks about your symptoms, and examines the front of your foot, including your big toe and big toe joint. Most bunions are visible to the eye and characterized by redness and swelling.

If your bunion is severe, Dr. Masood orders X-rays to assess the alignment of your bones and check for joint damage.

How does a podiatrist treat bunions?

Bunions don’t go away on their own, but various treatments reduce pain and inflammation and restore mobility. Depending on the bunion’s size, Dr. Masood might suggest the following:

  • Orthotic devices
  • Bunion pads or taping
  • Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication
  • Physical therapy
  • Corticosteroid injections
  • Wearing more comfortable shoes

If it’s painful to walk or your symptoms worsen, you might be a candidate for minimally invasive bunion surgery (bunionectomy). During a bunionectomy, Dr. Masood uses small instruments to remove the bunion and realign the bones in your forefoot. 

Can bunions be prevented?

Wear comfortable shoes that provide plenty of space for your toes to reduce your risk of bunions. Dr. Masood can provide tips on selecting footwear that aligns with your needs. Generally speaking, wear shoes with soft soles and a wide toe box. 

Call Tri-State Top Foot Specialist today to schedule a bunion consultation, or book your appointment online.