
When to Consider Treatment for Your Wart

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When to Consider Treatment for Your Wart

Wondering when it’s time to deal with that stubborn wart? Take a moment to dive into the essentials of wart identification and your treatment options.

Warts, those pesky little skin growths caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), can be more than just a cosmetic concern. While many warts may resolve on their own, some situations call for professional intervention. 

If you have one or more warts, turn to board-certified podiatrist and foot and ankle surgeon Hasan Masood, DPM. He regularly diagnoses and treats warts using safe, effective means at Tri-State Top Foot Specialist in White Plains, New York. 

Let’s explore when to consider treatment for your wart, know when to take action, and learn about your options. 

Identifying wart types

Warts come in various forms, and understanding the type can help determine the appropriate course of action. 

Common warts

Common warts typically appear raised and rough and often have a grainy texture. They’re commonly found on your hands, fingers, and around your nails. We recommend considering treatment if your wart interferes with daily activities or becomes painful.  

Plantar warts 

Plantar warts have a flat appearance with a thick callus-like border, often causing discomfort, especially when walking. They’re commonly found on the soles of your feet. 

Genital warts 

Genital warts manifest as small, flesh-colored growths primarily found in the genital and anal areas. 

Signs treatment may be needed 

While some warts may disappear without intervention, certain signs indicate it’s time to seek professional help. 

Persistent warts 

We recommend treatment when a wart persists for several weeks or months without showing signs of improvement. Early intervention can prevent further complications and promote a faster resolution. 

Spreading warts

A cause for concern arises if new warts appear or the existing ones spread. When warts multiply or cover a larger area, this may signify a more aggressive viral activity that requires professional attention for effective management. 

Pain and discomfort

Warts can turn painful, particularly when situated in weight-bearing areas or those prone to friction. If the pain interferes with daily activities or causes discomfort, we recommend considering treatment. 

Treatment options 

When it comes to wart treatment, several options are available, each tailored to the location of your wart. Here are a few treatment options to consider: 

  • Salicylic acid 
  • Freezing solutions 
  • Topical treatments
  • Oral medications
  • Cryotherapy
  • Electrosurgery
  • Laser therapy 

While some warts may resolve on their own, others require a proactive approach. If you find yourself dealing with persistent, spreading, or painful warts, don’t hesitate to reach out to Dr. Masood. He’ll provide personalized guidance on the most suitable treatment for your specific condition. 

If you’re ready to learn more about wart treatment options, contact us at Tri-State Top Foot Specialist to book an appointment with Dr. Masood today!