
How You May Unknowingly Be Causing Those Ingrown Toenails

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How You May Unknowingly Be Causing Those Ingrown Toenails

Are you dealing with pesky ingrown toenails and wondering how to avoid them? Discover the common causes and effective prevention tips.

Ingrown toenails can cause discomfort and pain with. While some cases of ingrown toenails are caused by factors beyond your control, there are instances when your everyday habits and choices can contribute to this bothersome condition. 

At Tri-State Top Foot Specialist, board-certified podiatrist and foot and ankle surgeon Hasan Masood, DPM, provides complete care for ingrown toenails for individuals and families in White Plains, New York, and across Westchester County. His conservative treatment approach is minimally invasive and provides the lasting relief you deserve. 

Let’s explore common practices that may unknowingly lead to ingrown toenails and learn how to prevent them effectively.

The culprits of ingrown toenails 

Ingrown toenails occur when the edges of the nails grow into the surrounding skin, causing pain, redness, and even infection. While hereditary factors and foot anatomy play a role, some daily habits and practices may increase the likelihood of ingrown toenails. Here are some common reasons that ingrown toenails occur:

Improper nail trimming 

Cutting nails too short or rounding the corners can encourage your nails to grow into the skin, increasing the risk of ingrown toenails. Similarly, trimming nails at an angle instead of straight across can also contribute to ingrown toenails.

Wearing tight-fitting shoes 

Ill-fitting shoes can force nails to grow into your surrounding skin, especially high heels and pointy-toed shoes. Choose footwear with a wide toe box and proper support to prevent ingrown toenails.

Neglecting footwear 

Wearing ill-fitting socks, especially those with seams that rub against your toenails, can lead to ingrown toenails. Additionally, choosing shoes without adequate support can contribute to improper foot posture, further increasing the risk of ingrown toenails.

How to prevent ingrown toenails 

The good news is that preventing ingrown toenails is often within your control. By adopting simple foot care practices and making mindful choices, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of ingrown toenails. Here are some tips to help prevent this uncomfortable condition:

Proper nail care 

To maintain healthy nails and prevent ingrown toenails, remember to trim them straight across, avoiding rounded edges, and keep them at a moderate length. Use a gentle emery board to smooth any rough edges and be cautious not to cut the corners of your nails too deeply. 

Wear the right shoes 

When selecting footwear, prioritize options that offer enough room for your toes to move freely, and avoid shoes that apply excessive pressure on the nail bed. Opting for shoes with a wide toe box and adequate support can help maintain proper foot posture and reduce the risk of discomfort, including ingrown toenails. 

Keep feet clean and dry

Wash your feet regularly with mild soap and water, and don’t forget to clean between your toes. Then be sure to dry your feet and toes well. To keep them dry, use foot powder to prevent moisture buildup and maintain good foot hygiene.

Avoid picking and digging 

Avoid picking at the skin around your toenails to prevent infection and worsening of ingrown toenails. If you suspect an ingrown toenail, consult with Dr. Masood instead of attempting to remove it yourself.

Prioritize your foot health 

Ingrown toenails can be a painful and preventable condition when you make conscious choices to care for your feet. By understanding the habits that may unknowingly contribute to ingrown toenails and following simple preventive measures, you can keep your feet healthy and free from discomfort.

If you’re ready to learn more, contact us at Tri-State Top Foot Specialist and book an appointment with Dr. Masood today!