
How to Prevent Bunion Pain as a Runner

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How to Prevent Bunion Pain as a Runner

Tired of bunion pain slowing you down on your runs? Learn how to keep running comfortably and pain-free.

Are you a passionate runner who’s been troubled by the nagging pain of bunions? Don’t panic, you’re not alone. Many runners face this issue, but the good news is that with proper care and preventive measures, you can still enjoy your daily run pain-free.

At Tri-State Top Foot Specialist located in White Plains, NY, board-certified podiatrist and foot and ankle surgeon Hasan Masood, DPM, specializes in diagnosing and treating bunions. He emphasizes conservative treatment whenever possible but offers minimally invasive bunion repair for more complex cases.

Let’s explore how to prevent bunion pain and keep your running routine enjoyable.

Understanding bunions 

Before we dive into prevention, let’s understand what bunions are and why they can be a nuisance for runners: 

What’s a bunion? 

A bunion forms at the base of your big toe, resulting in a protruding bony bump. It starts to develop when your big toe pushes against your next toe, which ultimately forces the joint of your big toe to get bigger and stick out.

Why do they hurt? 

Bunions can be painful because they force your big toe to move at an unnatural angle, which can lead to inflammation and discomfort. 

Why runners? 

The repetitive motion and impact of running can exacerbate bunion pain, making it essential for runners to take extra care. 

Preventive measures for runners

To prevent bunions from causing you pain while running, consider these options:

Choose the right shoes

Running shoes should be your best friend. Ensure they have a wide toe box to allow your toes to spread naturally and reduce pressure on the bunion. Look for models designed for stability and cushioning. 

Orthotic inserts

Consider custom or over-the-counter orthotic inserts to help distribute pressure evenly, reduce motion, and provide extra support. These can be a game-changer for bunion-prone runners.

Lacing techniques 

Experiment with different lacing techniques to relieve pressure on your bunions. Techniques like “window lacing” or “heel lock” can provide excellent relief. 

Toe spacers  

Soft silicone toe spacers can be worn inside your running shoes to separate your big toe from the adjacent one, relieving pressure and friction. 


After you run, apply ice to your bunions for about 15 minutes to reduce inflammation and pain. 

Foot exercises 

Strengthen your foot muscles with exercises like toe scrunches and towel curls to improve foot function and reduce bunion-related issues. 

When to seek professional help 

While these preventive measures can work wonders, you should consult with Dr. Masood and our team of professionals if you experience any of the following: 

Persistent pain

If your bunion pain persists or worsens despite your efforts to prevent it, schedule an evaluation with Dr. Masood as soon as possible.

Changes in foot shape

If your bunion causes a noticeable change in your foot’s shape or affects your gait, it’s best to seek our professional advice.

Severe deformity

In cases of severe bunions, surgery may be recommended. 

Chronic discomfort

Bunion pain should not be a constant companion. If it interferes with your daily activities or running, consult with our team for long-term solutions. 

Running with bunions doesn't have to be a painful experience. By taking preventive measures, choosing the right footwear, and seeking our professional guidance when necessary, you can minimize bunion discomfort and enjoy your runs pain-free. Every step you take to prevent bunion pain is a step closer to a more comfortable and enjoyable running experience.

If you’re ready to learn more about bunions and treatment options, contact us at Tri-State Top Foot Specialist to book an appointment with Dr. Masood today.