
Do This Now to Avoid a Sprained Ankle Later

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Do This Now to Avoid a Sprained Ankle Later

Curious if there are ways to prevent sprained ankles from happening in the first place? Take a moment to discover tips to avoid these annoying injuries.

If you’ve ever experienced a dreaded sprained ankle, you know how much of a detour this can present in your life. That sharp shooting pain makes it hard to power through the day. It’s not just painful — it’s a major setback in your daily activities. 

But don’t panic! Board-certified podiatrist and foot and ankle surgeon Hasan Masood, DPM, at Tri-State Top Foot Specialist, is here to help you find practical steps to prevent a sprained ankle and offer treatment solutions to get you back on your feet. 

Here are some simple strategies to keep your ankles happy and healthy:

Strengthen your ankles 

If your ankles are the foundation of your body, keeping them strong and resilient is especially important. To avoid weak ankles that are prone to injury, prioritize the following strengthening exercises

Balance exercises  

Maintaining your balance is crucial to improve stability and proprioception. Try standing on one leg for 30 seconds at a time or using a balancing board. 

Ankle exercises 

Make time in your daily routine to target the muscles around your ankles by doing calf raises, ankle circles, and ankle dorsiflexion exercises. These help build strength and flexibility, reducing the risk of injury down the line. 

Wear supportive footwear

You may have heard this before, but we really can’t stress it enough. Your choice of footwear plays a significant role in preventing ankle sprains and protecting your feet’s overall well-being. While flip-flops in the summer may be comfortable, they’re not the best when it comes to providing support. Invest in shoes that provide the stability and cushioning you need. Here’s what we recommend: 

Choose the right shoes 

When in doubt, a supportive arch, cushioned sole, and a secure fit around the ankles are the kinds of shoes you should look for. Prioritize features like ankle straps or high-top designs for extra stability if that’s what you need. 

Replace worn-out shoes 

Say goodbye to those shoes in your closet that are falling apart. Worn-out shoes lack the support and shock absorption needed to protect your ankles from injury. 

Practice proper technique 

Along with incorporating more exercises and better footwear into your routine, it’s especially important to practice the right technique. Whether you’re running, hiking, or playing sports, pay attention to your body’s mechanics and make the following adjustments: 

Warm up and cool down

It’s so easy to skip these steps in your busy schedule, but warming up before physical activity to prepare your muscles and joints for movement is a key way to avoid injuries. Likewise, cooling down afterward helps your body recover and prevent stiffness as well. 

Mind your steps 

Always be mindful of your surroundings, and watch where you’re going, especially when walking or running on uneven terrain. 

Listen to your body 

Don’t push yourself beyond your limits, and don’t ignore ankle pain or discomfort when it’s making itself known. If you experience any symptoms of an impending injury like swelling, tenderness, or instability, give your ankles a break and seek Dr. Masood’s medical attention. 

By taking proactive measures to strengthen your ankles, you’ll be one step closer to living an injury-free life. Try our recommendations, and see if you significantly reduce your risk of ankle sprains so you can take a step toward an overall healthier lifestyle. 

If you’re ready to learn more about foot injuries and how to avoid or treat them, contact us at Tri-State Top Foot Specialist to book your appointment with Dr. Masood today!