
Common Signs of a Toenail Infection

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Common Signs of a Toenail Infection

Are you suffering from toenail discomfort but uncertain if it’s a toenail infection? Take a moment to explore the common signs of an infection and learn how to find relief.

Dealing with a toenail infection might not be the most comfortable topic, but it’s a common concern for many people and nothing to be ashamed of. If changes in your toenails and discomfort are impacting your daily life, it’s time to consider the reasons why and how you can find relief. 

Board-certified podiatrist and foot and ankle surgeon Hasan Masood, DPM, at Tri-State Top Foot Specialist is here to diagnose your symptoms and help along the way. From discoloration to cracked or broken nails and more, we’ll help you uncover the common signs of a toenail infection and explore treatment options. 

Recognizing common signs of a toenail infection 

First and foremost, toenail infections are uncomfortable. They’ll make themselves known by presenting a lot of warning signs. Keep an eye out for these in particular: 


One of the first signs you might notice is that your toenail is discolored. It may turn yellow, green, or even brown. Regardless of the color, you should seek our help as soon as you notice that your toenail looks different than usual. 


Infected toenails are often also thicker than normal. If you find that the thickness makes trimming them more challenging, this could be a red flag pointing to an underlying issue. 

Brittle or crumbly texture 

While too much thickness in your toenail isn’t good, brittle or crumbly toenails aren’t good either. A healthy toenail will have a certain resilience. If you notice yours is weak and breaking easily, it might be due to an infection weakening its structure. 

Unpleasant odor

Bacterial or fungal infections get your attention by causing an unpleasant smell. So, if you’re noticing a foul odor coming from your toes, it might be time to consider treatment. 

Understanding the causes of a toenail infection

After identifying some of the symptoms or common signs of a toenail infection, it helps to understand how or why you might be suffering. Here are some of the main reasons toenail infections typically happen in the first place: 

Fungal infections 

Unfortunately, fungi thrive in warm and moist environments, which can mean many shoes are the perfect breeding ground and home for these multicellular organisms. Conditions like Athlete's Foot can also spread easily to your toenails, which eventually leads to fungal nail infections. 

Bacterial infections 

Other leading causes of a toenail infection are cuts or injuries. When the protective barrier of your nail is compromised, you allow entry for the bacteria that lead to infection to invade your toenail. 

Poor foot hygiene 

It goes without saying that hygiene plays a crucial role in the fight against infection. It’s incredibly important that you keep your feet clean and dry. Moist environments create an ideal home for fungi and bacteria to thrive. 

How to treat a toenail infection 

If you’ve experienced the previously mentioned symptoms and you’re overwhelmed, don’t panic. You have several options to treat your toenail infection for relief. Here are just some of our recommendations: 

  • Try over-the-counter antifungal creams and ointments 
  • Seek professional help 
  • Choose breathable footwear 
  • Maintain good foot hygiene 
  • Take preventive measures 

By being mindful of your toenail health and regularly inspecting your toenails for early signs of an infection, you’ll already be one step ahead. If you’re ready to take more active measures, don’t hesitate to reach out to Dr. Masood for the best treatment solutions.

Put the discomfort and pain of a toenail infection behind you — contact us at Tri-State Top Foot Specialist to book your appointment with Dr. Masood today!